To: Pete Duhon
Sent: Wed Dec 21 13:21:15 2005
Subject: Tookie Williams
Debbie wrote,
what did you think of the whole thing. his execution?
Pete wrote,
Essentially, you reap what you sow. His argument was totally flawed also. He was asking for redemption but at the same time he said he was preaching innocent. So if he was innocent that is what he should have argued. Plus, the crime(s) in and of themselves are pretty gruesome and calculated. With crimes like that, often what happens years before the incident is what can help a person get mercy, not what happens afterward. My understanding also is that he killed 4 people in a matter of a week. Also, my understanding is that he never really totally denounced gang activity and that he had information that could have led to the arrest of other key gang members but he remained silent. Also, in one of his books, he gives a list of influential people or something and he mentions some rather controversial figures, its as if he just doesn't get it. Anyway, but that's really beside the point.....
Finally, I read the governor's release statement and they have a rather strong case against TW. I am just glad that I do not have to decide the fate of someone's life, that's a tough call.